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ProPulse® Power Vest *Soft Launch* - 200 UNITS AVAILABLE

New to Jump Rope - Start Here

Ropless Singles

Ropless Skips

Ropless Doubles

1 2 Jump

Single Jumps


Underhand Skips

Cross Overs

Overhand Split Jumps

Overhand Figure 8 Skips

Single Leg Hops

Lateral Hops

Lateral In & Outs

Double Unders

Overhand Dragon Hops

Overhand Sneak Switches

Overhand Sneak Throughs

Underhand Dragon Hops

Underhand Sneak Switches


Jumping rope with the Hybrid® Rope unites your hands with your lats, core, upper back and biceps while performing three dimensional fluid movement patterns with a focus on supination. Your “flight" response integrates, strengthens, and coordinates both sides of your body. Jumprope workouts translate directly to locomotion and moving with more efficiency, balance, and power.

This is a series of videos that takes you through exercises and variations jumping rope with the Hybrid® Rope. If you would like to purchase an Hybrid® Rope, click the 'Buy Now' Button. Click here to jump directly to the next Hybrid® Rope video playlist.