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ProPulse® Power Vest *Soft Launch* - 200 UNITS AVAILABLE

Priming with Limit Force Elastic® Explained

Limit Force Elastic® Resistance Bands

Athletic Performace Prime

Limit Force Elastic® Resistance Bands

Bench Press Prime

Limit Force Elastic® Resistance Bands

Lower Body Prime

Limit Force Elastic® Resistance Bands


The application of Resistance Bands to Isometric Exercises using Limit Force Elastic® allows us to "prime." At WeckMethod we define priming as any exercise done for the sole purpose of achieving potentiation and maximize performance. By using Resistance Bands for lifts, jumps, sprints, or throws you will be able to excite your nervous system and active the muscles at the root of the spinal engine.

In this sequence of videos you will learn how to properly prime utilizing Resistance Bands and how to engage your muscles and nervous system to increase power and maximize performance when performing other exercises. If you would like to purchase Resistance Bands, click the "Buy Now" button. Click here to jump directly to the next WM Resistance Bands video playlist.