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ProPulse® Power Vest *Soft Launch* - 200 UNITS AVAILABLE

Limit Force Elastic™ & Compression Strength Training™ Explained

Limit Force Elastic™ & Compression Strength Training™ Tenets

Priming with Compression

BOSU® Elite Compression Strength Training™

Limit Force Elastic® Strength Training

Limit Force Elastic® Resistance Bands

Compression Push Up

BOSU® Elite Compression Strength Training™


Compression Strength Training™ uses pressurized elasticity to create resistance that is faster than gravity in order to maximize the recruitment of fast twitch muscle fibers for optimal athletic and aesthetic results. Compression Strength Training™ will make your feet feel lighter, engage your glutes, and help you balance on the balls of your feet much easier.

You will also feel an instant carryover effect and your body will be primed to lift heavier weights - squatting and pressing. These videos will take you through the exercises and variations using this Compression Strength Training™.

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