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ProPulse® Power Vest *Soft Launch* - 200 UNITS AVAILABLE

ProPulse® Speed Trainer Overview

ProPulse® Speed Trainers

Holding your ProPulse® Speed Trainers

ProPulse® Speed Trainers

Running with ProPulse® Speed Trainers

ProPulse® Speed Trainers


ProPulse® Speed Trainers reprograms your body's operating system to unlock untapped potential giving you the ability to run, move, and react with greater speed, power and efficiency — regardless of sport, age or activity.

ProPulse® Speed Trainers work by converting the energy produced from your upper body (head, arms, hands, trunk) to your lower body using a "pulsing" effect. This "pulsing" effect transmits the energy typically wasted in upper body through to your lower body- generating a powerful loading effect which increases overall explosiveness, syncs up timing and balance all while decreasing your overall workload.

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