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ProPulse® Power Vest *Soft Launch* - 200 UNITS AVAILABLE

Running Overview

ProPulse® Speed Trainers

Pop, Rock, & Go

ProPulse® Speed Trainers


ProPulse® Speed Trainers

Full Range

ProPulse® Speed Trainers

Same Side Stride

ProPulse® Speed Trainers

Shift Running

ProPulse® Speed Trainers


Running with the ProPulse® Speed Trainers allows you to run not only faster but also smarter by engaging the core and upper body to improve locomotion.

The shifting weights inside the ProPulse® Speed Trainers provide real-time feedback when the hands reach the bottom position and teach you to put force into the ground at the right time to fully unlock the entire body’s potential while running.

If you would like to purchase the ProPulse® Speed Trainers click the "Buy Now" button below. Click here to jump directly to the next ProPulse® Speed Trainers video playlist.